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The Incredible Hunter S. Thompson archive
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The Incredible Hunter S. Thompson archive


The incredible archive has more than 180 letters that between them can find a priceless treasure. Files include the full message. Some of the archive content written in the day of JFK's assassination. Many of the letter signed by Hunter S. Thompson archive with the initials: "HST." And many other with the hilarious initials such as: "Mister Magnum," "Boomer," "Dr. Bloor" and "Whitey." Only 25 letters have published out of the 182. The vast private collection for those who love history and adventure.

I am not going to be either the Fitzgerald or the Hemingway of this generation. I am going to be the Thompson of this generation.

Let's go a little back to the '60s

During the 60's it was Thompson the most crucial time of his life, because of his gonzo journalism style. It was just epic creativity. What made him famous is the "The Rum Diary" writing style as the same as the letters. He is one of the few that change the meaning Great Author of Our Time. Hunter S. Thompson made his way through history with his fantastic piece of work. Every exquisite and single letter will echo throughout time, and the man that will hold that incredible collection will enjoy this priceless treasure as a private collection.

Photos Credit: 
Nate D Sanders
MINIMUM BID: $110,000
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