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Cards Against Humanity
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Cards Against Humanity


The wild party card game, Cards Against Humanity was a Kickstarter campaign back in 2011. It was created by a group of Highland Park high school seniors for the new years eve. Cards Against Humanity is entertaining, a party must, and group game the now has a different version of it. Users can even create their version of the game on their official website. The game is straightforward to play, that can take between 30- 90 minutes for a game.

The game goes like this. There are two decks of cards, black cards for the questions, and white cards for choosing the answers. Right at the first beginning of the game, each player draws ten white "answers" cards. But only one of the players must select a "Card Czar" or a "Card Tsar." Therefore, the Card Czar can face up his card and read to all the other players the question or "fill out the blank" sentence. All the players choose the answers and face down their cards.

The Card Czar take all the look down white cards, shuffles them, and select one of the best solutions that suites him. The player his card was picked up, is automatically turning to the Card Tsar and get an "awesome Point." The Cards Against Humanity game rules can be changed dramatically and has more than a few ground rules. That's the fun we all need, especially with the best friends, holiday or a good friends weekend night.

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Cards Against Humanity
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