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Vestaboard Smart Messaging Display
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Vestaboard Smart Messaging Display


From the already-vintage look of its flicking split-flap displays that seek to emulate train stations to the remote messaging capabilities via WiFi or cloud and IFTTT, the Vestaboard Smart Messaging Display is an eclectic, cutting-edge piece of technology designed for both homes and offices.

The 132-character grid provides a customizable spectrum of hues, and its size allows it to fit almost anywhere in your house or workplace. For those who enjoy a simultaneous window into the past while keeping up with the future of connectivity and communication, the Vestaboard stands alone as one of the only devices that can bring this combination together.

Not only eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing but also intelligent, innovative, serviceable, and dynamic, the Vestaboard really impresses with its tangible old-meets-new features. And it's not surprising that it was named a 2021 Red Dot Design Award Winner—it truly is a remarkable achievement in modern tech design.

Inspired by iconic split-flap display boards reminiscent of European railway stations, the new-age Vestaboard smart message display adds something special to both home and work life. Its robust 132-character grid with 64 separate options for every coloration provides users with a dizzying array of customizations when sending messages over wifi from either iOS or Android. Perfectly portable yet commanding enough attention to act as a centerpiece in any room or office space.

Its versatility makes it indispensable for conveying anything from personal messages to business information in real-time with clarity and ease. Configurable through numerous other services such as IFTTT, you can swiftly funnel content like sports scores or weather alerts straight onto your device for up-to-date information without ever having to worry about missing out on vital news snippets again.

The Vestaboard Smart Messaging Display is more than just a creative way to stay connected with friends and family at home — it's also a valuable addition to any workspace setting where immediate access to live data is necessary. Its attractive appearance is engineered specially for the 2021 Red Dot Design Award Winners' criteria.

There's no doubt that this device has earned all permission rights needed to make an impactful move into tech enthusiasts' lives - whether they be domestically orientated or career-driven professionals looking for newer ways within which they can effectively distribute information quickly.

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