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U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus Turntable
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U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus Turntable


Music aficionados and nostalgics alike can agree that turntables from vinyl's heyday captured something special. But modern audiophiles often prefer a sleek and contemporary look while still enjoying the classic quality sound. The new U-Turn Orbit Plus is made with all of that in mind - a streamlined yet sophisticated setup that delivers superior audio clarity.

Not your average deck, the Orbit Plus features an acrylic platter to improve consistency between speed, frequency response, and accuracy. In addition, it's precision OA2 gimbal tonearm ensures low distortion when tracking, allowing you to experience your favorite records in the most vibrant detail possible. Placing the external belt drive on this model also eliminates static noise and keeps spin speeds consistent.

More than just design, the Orbit Plus includes a built-in Pluto preamp and an Ortofon OM5E cartridge for an evenly balanced sound profile – no matter what color you choose (black or white). An impressive mix of stylishness and sonic capability makes this one of the most sophisticated yet user-friendly turntables on the market today. Enjoy beautiful, dynamic vinyl playback with this exquisite, reliable device.

U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus Turntable White
Photos Credit: 
U-Turn Audio
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