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Taschen Logo Beginnings Book
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Taschen Logo Beginnings Book


For any business, having a well-designed logo is essential for success. And for those looking for the original source of inspiration when it comes to corporate branding and logos, Taschen's new book Logo Beginnings is the perfect starting point.

Containing over 6,000 trademarks from between 1870 and 1940, this comprehensive guide to company logo design is crammed full of eye-catching examples of now-legendary symbols, such as NBC's iconic peacock or Shell gas station's shell emblem. Written by German author and graphic design historian Jens Müller, Logo Beginnings provides much more than just a visual collection of logos. Through detailed analysis and scholarship, readers will gain impressive insight into the dynamic nature of branding through the ages and its enduring impact on our culture today.

Moreover, Müller makes use of pioneering works by F.H. Ehmcke to further examine how corporate design has shaped our society in unique and profound ways with its captivating designs. With countless beautiful illustrations that capture both forgotten pieces of history as well as some of the most memorable logos known today, Logo Beginnings looks set to become an invaluable reference book that no coffee table should be without.

For anyone wanting to discover the fascinating backstories behind corporate design's greatest successes – all while getting a deeper understanding of graphic design in general – then Logo Beginnings is an absolute must-buy at only $80.

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