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Razer Project Hazel The World's Smartest Mask
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Razer Project Hazel The World's Smartest Mask


We do not see this coming. At CES 2021, Razer Project Hazel has been revealed as The World's Smartest Mask. Razer and engineering teams have given a response to the COVID-19 pandemic time that we are still having. Thanks to the detachable and rechargeable active ventilators, the N95 medical-grade respirator protection, and the Smart Pods can filter at least 95% of airborne particles, which is impressive. Furthermore, the Hazel smart mask is designed so the active airflow provides maximum optimized comfort during the day. The transparent interior with the light inside, and the patent-pending VoiceAmp that is built-in, comes to be clearly seen with facial expressions and lip movement and amplifier the voice when talking. The mask concept comes with a UV-powered disinfecting charging box when shipping.

Razer Project Hazel The World's Smartest Mask
Razer Project Hazel The World's Smartest Mask
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