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Pick Your Poison Adult Card Game
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Pick Your Poison Adult Card Game


When hosting with a twist, need a game with a twist. An idea for a party game for friends and family, Pick Your Poison is a card game suited for large groups or even a stand-alone game. Pick Your Poison will entertain everyone with a refreshing twist on traditional games. In this card game, players must choose between two random “What would you rather do?” scenarios. The judge then expands on the scenarios, and the players must anonymously pick the Poison card they would instead do. The game flow is when the cards are revealed and the points tallied. You will find out which of your friends agree with you and who is just as messed up as you thought. With hilariously twisted scenarios, Pick Your Poison is an excellent game for the host who wants to make his game night, party, or evening with some friends both a unique and entertaining evening.

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Player Ten
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