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Noyer Tiny House
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Noyer Tiny House


With only limited space available, many tiny houses look quite similar. But the Noyer Tiny House stands out as unique and entirely suited to a variety of climates - from sunny California to freezing temperatures in Quebec. Originally custom-made for Minimaliste's clients in California, the couple decided to go wider than usual, making it 10.5 feet wide instead of 8.5 feet, resulting in decreased mobility and allowing for more creative and functional floor plans.

The exterior of the Noyer is creatively designed with its contrasting charcoal-colored steel and stained eastern cedar cladding, coupled with an inventive roofline that catches the eye magnificently. Inside this cozy home, you could forget you're even in a tiny house - thanks to the extra two feet of width! The bright white walls are juxtaposed perfectly with warm wood accents, creating an aesthetically balanced atmosphere throughout. What's more, the living room is raised up above floor level, allowing additional storage beneath and separating it neatly from the kitchen area.

The minimalist kitchen contains all one could need for day-to-day living; deep blue cabinets with copper handles, walnut slab countertops that compliment the farmhouse sink nicely, and a built-in dining bench and office desk nearby. Moving on towards the back, you'll find a spacious four-foot walk-in shower complete with glass door and tile walls as well as cleverly placed storage cubbies - not forgetting the Separett composting toilet, which also takes residence in there. Lastly, upstairs in the master loft bedroom is enough room for a queen-sized bed and a small closet area too.

The Noyer Tiny House is truly an impressive feat; from its inventive exterior design to its efficient floor plan that can accommodate all one's needs - it's no surprise Minimaliste have now made it part of their model tiny home range! With both form and function expertly blended together, this marvelous home has been constructed to handle any environment thrown its way with style and finesse.

Source Credit: 
Minimaliste Houses
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