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Samotracia copper is a motorbike art
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Samotracia copper is a motorbike art


This Italian designed by primary material, copper. Mario Trimarchi wanted his vision to create the geometric Bodywork for this outstanding bike. This aerodynamics curve gives punctuality to the speed and sense of time. The Italian design shows again that their art will stand and it will never die. That is to say, something that the world will enjoy, like this creativity motorbike. The beauty behind the copper idea is that over time, the copper will not stay the same. That's the idea for the movement, as time passes by, so the copper will lose his color, and become old with a greenish hue. Like a faded dollar or the Statue of Liberty, It's the one time that someone ever creates a custom motorcycle that is by itself as a timelapse. The longer the time will passing by, the more the effect of the Samotracia Copper Motorbike will change. As the performance of the Motorbike design is the aesthetics of its movement. Therefore, the geometric gives the rider the exact feeling of thrilling in every corner or long road at high speed. That unique design dedicated to those who love something different more than just change.

Masculine Lifestyle as an Art collection

In conclusion, We hope that we will get to see the Samotracia Copper Motorbike on the free timeless road. It can be more than just another Motorbike for us to enquire, it can be our time to drive it with time. Like a piece of the collection that only you have. Some men can see it like the Mona Lisa of Motorbike, or any other kind of art they want to acquire for themselves. That one thing can be priceless, and most importantly, it can be of great significance. You can enjoy all the worlds, both design, and performance to this uniqueness Samotracia Motorbike.

Photos Credit: 
Mario Trimarchi
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