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Residence with a full-size Pagani Zonda
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Residence with a full-size Pagani Zonda


This condo resident in Miami got the creativity level of +1.5 Million with Full-size Pagani Zonda R. Contractors to redesign this oceanfront condo in Miami, Florida with a Pagani Zonda R as a wall divider. They have to raise it with a crane of this $1.5 Million beast to the top of the highest Masculine condo. Pablo Pérez Companc, the Argentine race driver, ask specifically to use this as a function. And most of all, as art between his Master suite and his Living room.

The Pagani is laying on a stand made of carbon fiber and aluminum. Every person who sees this for the first time can think he's in the middle of a hard curved in the middle of a race. On top of the rear wing, you can see all the autographs next to the Pagani Zonda logo. It will keep the reminder that it's so unique that it is one of the 15 models manufacturing each year. It's one of them that will not go on the track where it belongs, but still, have preserved the curved dream in that amazing masculine condo in Miami.

In other words, the Pagani Zonda face straight to the vast ocean that reminds the freedom the race driver feel in each race. Pablo chooses the perfect mark spot to express his passion for race driving. Pablo is among the few men who can concur in life the split second on the high speed curved. It's like time stood still, and he takes it to his condo in Miami to be his reminder for life. His Masculine condo is every man dream. Perfect location, perfect Masculine condo, with the ideal symbol. He sure creates the Masculine Lifestyle for himself with that unbelievable Zonda Pagani supercar.

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