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Hyperloop Desert Campus
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Hyperloop Desert Campus


As the sun sets on the majestic Mojave Desert, the Hyperloop Desert Campus Competition invites audacious designers to take on the challenge of crafting a dynamic, iconic campus in this splendid landscape.

Elon Musk's Hyperloop project, which aims to renew and revolutionize existing means of transportation, serves as a point of inspiration in designing a resilient hyperloop campus that is energy- and time-efficient, budget-friendly, ethical, and environmentally sustainable.

At the core of 'resilience' lies self-sufficiency and autonomy; therefore, utmost importance is given to the independent use of resources like solar gain to generate electrical energy through embedded solar panels, rainwater collection & grey water recycling systems competing with one another within the courtyards to nourish local ecosystems.

Furthermore, an inventive loop design has been implemented that allows the utilization of wind corridors for passive ventilation purposes while facilitating inclusive spatial experiences. Additionally, redundancy has been introduced via multi-nodal pattern loops and cores with the capacity for safe failure as well as learning from past mistakes.

The building spirals up - almost inspired by the speed of traveling - with grand corridors encircling these oases that intertwine levels akin to highways. The interior, too, overflows with fluidity as it bridges between natural elements meshed with digital ones, intertwining public/private spheres.

Ultimately blending into each other just like Hyperloop blends technology and environment in harmony – all set against a bewitchingly rustic backdrop that is both indomitable yet fragile in its own right.

Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Hyperloop Desert Campus
Photos Credit: 
Metrica Visuals / Mariana Cabugueira
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